Windy City Operafest

Project Mission

Our mission is to expose emerging artists to the variety of operatic repertoire; to give the opportunity to study with internationally acclaimed opera stars; to connect and exchange the ideas, explore the differences in style and learn about opera traditions from international team of voice professors and language coaches.

We provide opportunity to study with prominent internationally acclaimed musicians and connect with Chicago based festivals.

Opera production of Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky. Directed by Viktoria Vizin with piano accompaniment.

  • Two weeks of intensive vocal coaching, lessons for singers, and Russian language coaching

  • Opportunity to study with an international team of top opera singers: Viktoria Vizin and Franco Pomponi and Maria Kanyova

  • Opportunity to work with the top collaborative pianists and vocal coaches: Irina Feoktistova and Anastasia Antropova and Boris Krivoshein

  • One Eugene Onegin performance and one additional Russian recital

  • All activities and performances are in Trinity Lutheran Church in Evanston: 3637 Golf Road, Evanston IL 60203

Music Festival Program

Schedule Plan Example

  • 10-1pm Eugene Onegin Workshop Style Staging (all involved) with Dr. Viktoria Vizin

  • 2-5pm Vocal Coaching Masterclass Style (all Eugene Onegin cast involved)

  • 10-1pm Russian Diction Repertoire Masterclass Style Coaching with Irina Feoktistova and Anastasia Antropova

  • 2-5pm General Operatic Intensive Mentorship with Franco Pomponi and Maria Kanyova

  • 6-9pm individual coaching