Our Faculty

Viktoria Vizin, voice

Viktoria Vizin is an internationally acclaimed mezzo-soprano. Her name is frequently associated with prestigious opera houses such as the Metropolitan Opera, Hungarian State Opera House, Lyric Opera of Chicago, and Royal Opera House Covent Garden.

Andrea Silvestrelli, voice

Andrea Silvestrelli is one of the most sought-after ‘bassi profondi’ on the international opera scene. The Chicago Sun concurred, “Andrea Silvestrelli wielded a big, black, menacing bass in his debut as the assassin Sparafucile.”

Franco Pomponi, voice

Franco Pomponi performed in many of the world's most prestigious opera houses and concert halls. He trained at the Juilliard Opera Center and the Lyric Opera of Chicago Young Artists Center.

Maria Kanyova, voice

Maria Kanyova has been revered as an extraordinarily gifted singing actress. Critics have hailed Maria for her ability to capture the essence of a character while maintaining exquisite singing. Throughout Maria’s extensive and busy performing career, she has performed leading roles with Chicago Lyric Opera and San Francisco Opera among many other opera companies.

Irina Feoktistova, vocal coach

Irina Feoktistova is affiliated with Ryan Center of the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Appolo Chorus of Chicago and Chicago Children Choir "Uniting Voices Chicago". She is on faculty of Northwerstern University. In Summer 2022 she joined Opera Festival Chicago as an accompanist and vocal coach.

Anastasia Antropova, vocal coach

Anastasia Antropova is a classical singer, also trained as a pianist and vocal coach. She performs in European and American venues. The solo performance venues included Casa Verdi, Sala Santa Maria, Palazzina Liberty in Italy, Academic Capella, and Steinway Piano Gallery in Saint Petersburg.